OBGYN is an acrnoym for two related disciplines, where OB is for Obstetrics or Obstetrician and GYN is for Gynecology or Gynecologist. OBGYN is a subspecialty of medicine that addresses all aspects of female reproductive health in both pregnant and non-pregnant women. A physician who focuses on the care of women and their unborn children throughout pregnancy and delivery, is referred to as Obstetrician. A medical professional who focuses on the identification and management of problems relating to female reproduction is referred to as Gynecologist.
MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology is a three-year, full-time postgraduate programme in medical sciences. The course curriculum entails providing treatment to each patient, whether pregnant or not, as well as a thorough, superior assessment of the entire medical pathology associated with the female reproductive organs. National entrance exams like NEET-PG and INI-CET are used to determine admission to PG OBGYN programmes. In specialty clinics, OPD, wards, labor rooms, and operating rooms, they are expected to do the necessary tests and examination, interpret the results, and carry out medical/surgical management.
MD OBGYN: The Field & Its Scope
1 Year ago, Wednesday, Aug 23, 2023, 05:22:45 by
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