Good Morning
Good news update on Jamie Morrissey here in SA

Approximately 2 months ago, I approached Jamie�s Support Coordinator here in South Australia regarding his interest in art, especially his painting. He is very proud of his painting and drawings. He would often approach staff about old paints and a piece of paper or piece of wood to do his paintings on.

On approaching his support coordinator, I was told that there is allocated funds within his NDIS funding that would cover Jamie getting some art supplies. SC gave us a website called sensory oasis to look up some art supplies and for Jamie to pick what he wanted. So, one afternoon, I got Jamie involved and we sat online and had a look. He was so excited and picked out quite a few things that were quite expensive (including a mixed media drawing set/box worth $129.95). The total of the items was well above the $500.00 worth of art supplies. I was concern that this amount would not be covered but decided that I would pass the list on to his SC to see if she was able to order the supplies.

A few days after sending the SC an email, I received an email back stating that the supplies had be ordered and would be delivered to the house directly. We couldn�t believe it and Jamie was so happy to be able to receive all the supplies he had asked for. Approximately two weeks later the supplies arrived at the door by post. Once we had time to check off the invoice and supplies to make sure we received all the supplies that had been paid for in the order. We were able to give the supplies to Jamie, the smile on his face was massive. He was so happy and decided that he would do some paintings that day. He had everything from Paints, Paint Pens, Pencils, Textures, paint brushes, paper pads, canvas and even glitter paint. He was over the moon with all the supplies he received.