Vacancies available in our SIL accommodations across South Australia.
I�m delighted to inform you that Care I Wish has several SIL vacancies across SA, including Grange, Underdale, and more.
We are also expanding our list of independent living options in SA with more SIL and SDA homes in various locations.
At Care I Wish, we offer 24/7 superior care for NDIS participants with complex and high needs. We cater to different support ratios: 2:1, 1:1, 1:2 & 1:3. Our homes are designed to suit our participants� needs and staffed by highly experienced and fully accredited support workers. Each support worker is selected and trained with the participant�s specific disability in mind.
Our core values are to take an innovative, person-centered, and holistic approach in empowering our participants to live as independently as they choose.
Vacancies available in our SIL accommodations
1 Year ago, Thursday, Dec 7, 2023, 04:54:17 by
Health / Fitness / Wellness
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